Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Organizational Behavior and Its Importance to a Company Essay -- Organ

Organizational Behavior and Its Importance to a Company What is organizational behavior and why is it important for a company to understand it? There are several crucial reasons why companies should utilize the concepts of organizational behavior, as well as understand the key terms that are associated with organizational behavior. To understand and utilize organizational behavior there are several key terms that must also be understood, for example organizational culture, diversity, communication, organizational effectiveness and efficiency, organizational learning. Intracorp, a bill review company, has the potential to be more efficient and employees could possibly be more eager to meet intended goals. Definition of Organization Behavior Organizational behavior is defined as â€Å"Organizational Behavior is the study and application of knowledge about how people, individuals, and groups act in organizations† (Clark, 1998). Being able to understand how individuals act within the organization gives management the tools needed to develop an â€Å"effective leadership guide† (Clark, 1998). Should management try and implement a way of leadership that most of the employees are not familiar with will only lead to conflict. It is important that management develop and interpersonal relationship and understand their employees goals should they want the most out of their employees. Intracorp could be one of the leading bill review companies should they have happy and willing emp...

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